Saturday, July 24, 2010

Pictures of So Far Happenings...

Hello Everyone! Here are pictures from July 22nd and 23rd. I hope you enjoy! I might post the rest on facebook and then post the link here so you can see allll of the pictures I've taken so far. It takes a lot of time to load so I won't do them all here... (If you click the picture it will get bigger...jsyk)

July 22nd::

This is a "roundabout". They freak me out. Driving on the left side of the road is so scary. And weird.
Our bus is 38!


This is all Dad's been doing. Taking pictures with his new iPhone.

July 23rd::

"Ness" is a cute store. And I love these dogs. But sooo expensive..
The Royal Mile.

John Knox's House.
Cute old Bagpiper (playing Amazing Grace). :D
Our House!!


  1. sooo jealous, not just of Scotland, but of your dads iphone!! the pictures are beautiful!

  2. did you guys get to see Edinburgh castle?
    it looks like you've seen alot of city...gotta get out to the country :)

  3. it all looks so wonderful! I hope that you are truly embracing Scotland's differences and not letting them freak you out. put up pictures of the inside of your house!!!!
    miss you loads, miss lady. I have no one to go to CH and read ICTC with :(

    <3 morgsie

  4. Wow. I can't believe you're actually in this place. The one of the people on the terrifically green green is unreal. And your mom looks so cute and European :-) Oh my, looks simply quaint and lovely and soaring - those castles and churches, whew. Love you loads, dear.

  5. I'm so glad to see that the red phone booths are still there. Now that EVERYONE has an iphone,I was afraid that they might have gone the way of, well, the phone booth.

    I concur with Morgan - the green green is a lovely shade of green. There's a poem to be had in that.

